Collective Member: Maggie O’Rourke!

Maggie O'Rourke

Who are you?

I am Maggie O'Rourke, a Certified Ayurvedic Health Coach, dedicated to promoting balance, vitality, and longevity in your body, mind, and spirit through the ancient system of health practices known as Ayurveda! My practice utilizes herbal medicine, food combining, and holistic wellness rituals to enhance your overall health. By addressing the current imbalances in your life, you can greatly improve the quality of your health!

What services do you provide?

As an Ayurvedic Health Coach I can work with you to construct a completely individualized path to better health by learning all about who you are and what aspects of your life you are currently struggling with.  

I have different curated offerings throughout the year as well that center around community, and addressing your health from many different angles!

Lastly, I have a rotating menu of food offerings and custom catering services that you can access through my social platforms, and my website!

What do you appreciate about Now & Zen and being part of the Collective?

When I think about the community that Now and Zen has created it gives me hope for a brighter and healthier future for our upcoming generations. Bringing together like minded individuals who are focused on heart centered healing, creates an opportunity to cause an even greater ripple effect for our community and the world. The collective in my opinion, holds the vibration of love and authenticity.

Where can people find you?

Folks can find me here:

Why we love Maggie

Maggie's presence is like a burst of sunshine, radiating warmth and kindness wherever she goes. Her authenticity and wisdom shine through as she generously shares her journey and passion for healing through Ayurveda. But it's not just her words that inspire; her delicious meals speak volumes about her talent and dedication. Beyond that, Maggie's genuine goodness and infectious joy make her a cherished member of our community. She's not just a healer; she's a beacon of light, guiding us all towards wellness and happiness.


Collective Member: Laura Dempsey


Collective Member: Heather Litster!