
Retreats are enriching getaways that provide a safe space to allow guests to step back from daily routine and have a place to nurture their mind, body and spirit in a supportive environment.

The Benefits of Retreats

Retreats are great for a number of reasons. Here are some of the many:

  • Retreats provide a break from daily stressors, allowing individuals to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate. This can lead to improved mental well-being, reduced anxiety, and increased resiliency.

  • Retreats offer opportunities for self-reflection, personal development workshops, and activities aimed at fostering growth and self-awareness. Participants often gain clarity on their goals, values, and priorities, leading to greater confidence and direction in life.

  • Retreats facilitate connections with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community, support, and belonging. These connections can lead to lasting friendships, collaborations, and valuable networking opportunities.

  • Retreats offer a change of scenery and a break from routine, allowing participants to gain fresh perspectives and find inspiration. Being in a new environment can stimulate creativity, spark new ideas, and reignite passion and motivation in both personal and professional pursuits.

What Retreats Mean to Us

Retreats pack in all the good stuff we love about life – like making connections, rediscovering ourselves, and getting close to nature. They're all about having fun, learning new things, and relaxing our nervous system. Whether you're up for trying something new, growing your confidence, or simply taking it easy, retreats have got you covered. It's like hitting pause on the hustle and bustle to focus on what really matters; YOU!  When we invest in ourselves, this has a ripple effect on our lives and those around us.

What’s Included in Our Retreats?

Our History with Retreats

After attending a couple of retreats ourselves we couldn't shake off the inspiration and excitement we felt from those experiences, so we had this wild idea: "Why not host our own retreat?" And guess what? It turned out to be one of the best decisions we've ever made! Since our first successful retreat in Fall 2021, we've hosted 7 more, each offering unique experiences to our guests. We're passionate about creating meaningful experiences, fostering connections, and paying attention to the details. We embrace learning, exploration, creativity, play and crafting unforgettable memories for our guests. So, if you're ready to join us on this adventure, we've got a spot waiting just for you!

  • “A group of strangers who became our tribe for the weekend. Leaders set the tone and it was a beautiful experience. All the tiny details. Nothing was overlooked.”

  • “I'll remember this weekend for the rest of my life. It was so special, and exactly what I needed to reset my mind, body and soul.”

  • “Seeing as the “Now & Zen Winter Retreat” was my very first retreat, I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I must say, it was the most wonderful experience and the best thing I have done for MYSELF in a very long time! I met and connected with so many amazing women, and with nature! So good for the soul. Thank you Mackenzie and Michelle for organizing this incredible event, I’m hooked on retreats now and I can’t wait for the details on your next one!”

  • “Now and Zen is one of the most amazing retreats I’ve ever been to. Kenz and Michelle attract and allow space for people to be completely themselves and explore parts of them that may have been hidden in a safe and supportive environment. Their retreats are always exactly what I need in my life.”

  • “Absolutely loved every aspect. You could feel the love the event was planned with and the excitement from everyone could be felt in the air. Can't wait to join now&zen again!”

Join the Collective

Are you a practitioner looking to offer your services at one of our retreats?

We’d love to partner up! Let’s see if you’re a good fit.