The Collective

The Collective is a community-focused initiative that brings together individuals, practitioners, and experts in various wellness disciplines to offer holistic retreat experiences aimed at promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our wellness collective is a vibrant community of passionate individuals who come together to support, inspire, and learn from one another.

Together, we'll inspire, uplift, and empower each other to live our best lives.

What’s the Collective All About?

The Now & Zen Collective is made up of all of our retreat guests, presenters, practitioners and facilitators. We’re all about harnessing the collective expertise of remarkable individuals to craft unparalleled wellness experiences for our community. We're dedicated to bringing together our favourite talents in the wellness industry to co-create transformative journeys that nurture the mind, body, and spirit. Everyone who contributes to and attends our retreats/events becomes a part of this supportive network of amazing humans - The Collective.

  • Being surrounded by like-minded humans in a space where working together is cherished and encouraged. Collaboration over competition.

  • “There are no teachers, just teachings.” We all learn from each other and we have so much to share. Our stories inspire others, our gifts are to be shared, our experiences are lessons that need to be heard.

  • Besides inner growth and self-discovery that happens at retreats, many of our retreat practitioners and facilitators leave with new clients and connections expanding their personal business. Guests leave with new connections, resources, friends and a supportive network of beautiful humans.

  • No matter what your business, expanding your network with supportive human connections will be beneficial. Your bonds with others in the wellness industry and beyond will flourish. Plus, making friends as an adult can be hard. What a great place to meet some like-minded pals!

Benefits of Joining the Collective

Like-minded Community

Retreat Discounts

Connection Opportunity

Knowledge Sharing

Meet The Collective

Here are some of the many wonderful members of The Collective; we’re so grateful to have you here!

Submit an Application to Join The Collective!

We’d love to hear from you about joining us. We’ll respond within 7 business days and talk about next steps to figuring out if you’re a good fit. While we appreciate your interest!